From 1994 to 2002 we had a band called, Hair Of The Dog (Spitfire Records/Eagle Rock Ent.). While we never graduated to the coveted ranks of Arena Rock Gods, we did dwell in the almost there outskirts of this hallowed kingdom and it was close enough for us to live out many of our childhood dreams. For this, we’re forever grateful and we feel truly blessed, even if our livers may now lie bloated in a ripened state of gross disrepair.

Hair Of The Dog was a bottoms up, blue-collar hard rock band. Speak with anyone who dared hitch their wagon to our thundering, 90-proof locomotive and, if alcohol has spared them a sliver of recall, they will surely have colorful tales to share. It was a hammer down & hang-on anything goes chapter of life when all that mattered was getting back onstage. Then, as soon as our last notes faded, this explosive energy was parlayed into post-show blowouts where we partied like lunatic pirates and embraced bad decisions as the pace-setting norm. No mercy. No prisoners. No common sense or better judgment, either. But certainly more good times than we could ever count. Some of the best times. And though our shining hour has long since passed, still, the spirit of H.O.T.D. lives on in the music. The torch still burns inside the tunes. So, if we’re ever ambushed by a swell of sweet nostalgia or if an errant spark of rowdy temptation goes streaking down our spines, all we need to do is push Play. Immediately, the music can transport us back to a moment or an episode from this glorious era when amplifiers roared like tyrannosaurs, when happy hours lasted for days and when nothing else in the world mattered except three sacred syllables . . . rock and roll.

For those of you who were along for the ride, we hope the music still holds a similar teleporting power and magic. And then for the greater majority of you who weren't there to pass a bottle and witness the three-ring carnival of jackasses, well, it's now our sincere hope that some of these songs may yet inspire your own freewheeling binges or rollicking backseat romps. Even better, maybe they'll spur you on to follow your own rock-n-roll dreams. Whatever the case, we say do it. We say go for it. We say as long as the music's still playing, then the party ain't over. Live loud. Burn fast. No regrets, people. Enjoy yourself because it's later than you think.


-Hair Of The Dog (June, 2020)

Ryan Cook: vocals, guitar   (1994 - 2002)

John A. Sepetys: guitar   (1994 - 2000)

Brian "Boot" Saputo: bass   (1994 - 2002)

Johnny "Thunder" Evans: drums   (1995 - 1997)

Mike Dupke: drums   (1998 - 2002)